Haven’t you been inspired by those big sculptural shells on the beach and wondered what they could illustrate?
Christine Harris says of her work, “Horseshoe crabs have copper based blue blood that is used by the medical industry for its antibacterial qualities and is still being studied. Basically they milk the blood from the horseshoe crab and try to release it but many of them do not survive.”
She usually does “lots of nerdy research” on the creatures while she works and often explains their meaning on her blog when they’re finished. Be mesmerized by the work-in-progress shots from this Virginia art therapist and sculptor.
Next week’s posts may be sporadic as I celebrate FIMO50 in Germany. Cut the cake and sing with us virtually as we look at what it means to turn 50.
Dyan ,
Test depictions if a Horse shoe crab and the lady if the sea. Fantastic
Fiona Abel-Smith ,
Amazing Christine, and I have just looked at your Facebook page too, wonderful inspiring art. I love it.
Christine Harris ,
Thank you!!!
Christine Harris ,
Thank you so much Polymer Clay Daily