Linda Webb’s little 4″ polymer mosaic butterfly, Monarch Migration, won the People’s Choice Award in the Peoria, Illinois ArtPop contest and grew into a 49′ billboard where it will be featured for a year.
The inspiration for this piece came after Linda learned about the Monarch Butterfly Task Force, a local group that educates the public about the rapidly declining numbers of Monarchs. The group plants milkweed and other host plants for pollinators.

“My hope was to create an appealing piece of art that could assist the Task Force’s efforts,” she explains. By giving them the reproduction rights, Linda allows the group to produce bookmarks, cards, t-shirts, posters and other fundraising items.
“The positive feedback I’ve received encourages me to think about more ways I could use my art to help local groups,” she says. Makes you think, doesn’t it?
That’s spectacular, and the story behind it is too — AND inspiring! YAY, Linda!!!
Lorrene Baum-Davis ,
Love this.
Oh my gosh – mind blowing! Way to go Linda!!!!
Becky Acosta ,
Lovely piece and a good cause. As Sherry said above, the story is inspiring!
Absolutely stunning. Congrats on your award and recognition.
Spectacular!!! the story behind also gives an inspiration! Congrats!!!
Pam Miller ,
Congrats Linda!! I drive by this billboard every day and have seen Linda’s art! (Nearly back-ended a guy while admiring it tho.) chuckle. All of her work is awesome! I love her animals and own some!
I saw that billboard! Wonderful! How exciting!