My dotted necklaces are all-polymer and fun to make. They’re so simple that I felt I needed to “up my game” for my Craftcast class this Saturday so I quickly (last night) made a Rex Ray, mid-century modern inspired version with colors I had on hand.

The design had been rolling around in my head. Do you have a design that needs to be brought to life?
Join us on Craftcast to learn my tricks and create your own look. For 30% off use the code: summer2020
You’ll note that I’m claiming a new hair color thanks to quarantine and mother nature. And I’ve adjusted cynthiatinapple.com to reflect my mentoring and class projects.
For more behind-the-scenes chatter, join us at StudioMojo for a weekly update each Saturday.
Cynthia you absolutely sparkle in this photo, I love it! And the necklaces make me so happy too! Thanks again for all you do.
Love the “new” hair color! You look gorgeous
I tried to go to your website but got the following message from Chrome, my browser. This site can’t provide a secure connectionwww.cynthiatinapple.com uses an unsupported protocol.
ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH. I was unable to get to your site. I’ll try Safari to see if that works.
Yep, I reflexively typed www in the link (old school). I now know not to do that.
I fixed the link. Please try again. Thanks for the heads up.
Old dog, new tricks. No more www in links! I fixed the link (may take a while to propagate).
Safari won’t open your site either.
Wendy Moore ,
Cynthia, as Joan says, you DO sparkle!! You look younger and the new colour really suits you. And the website looks fantastic. Massive hugs from down under, stay well.
KLew ,
Always a pleasure seeing you and what you’re up to!
??? Klew