Embracing imperfection

Rozz Hopkins limited her tools and let herself play as a personal challenge on PolymerClayDaily.com

For these organic canes, New Jersey’s Rosalyn Hopkins (RozzHopp) set aside her pasta machine, rollers, and tools. She used only a Bic pen to make indentations. It was a personal challenge.

“I struggled for so many years to show my work in public. I’ve come to understand it doesn’t have to be perfection. It needs to be freeing. Something that pushes me,” said Rozz in a recent post.

Imperfection used to send Rozz off twitching in discomfort. Lately, she’s taught herself to accept flaws and even make them on purpose. “It makes life so much more interesting,” she says.  Freedom and playfulness come through loud and clear in these canes. Agree?

  • reply Jackie Burns ,

    Hard to think of these delightful canes as “imperfect”. But they do convey the flow of freeing and that is downright awesome.

    • reply Susan ,

      I guess that I take art as the artist’s intention. I love the designs of Rozz’s that you have posted and find them to be energetic and joyful. I’m off to find more of Rozz’s work. Thank you for sharing Rozz’s polymer clay pieces!

      • reply Debbie Goodrow ,

        These playful and colorful canes are wonderful. Unpretentious. Just exactly enough and not too much. Love ’em! Go Rozz!

        • reply Denise ,

          And what a great title for this article, LOL – a wonderful way to stress how “perfect” flaws are!

          • reply Patti Underwood ,

            Great Job Rozz!!!!!!!

            • reply Mal and Wendy Moore ,

              Perfectly imperfect. Great title and I love the energy of Rozz’s creations. Thanks for sharing them darling Cynthia!!

              • reply Sandra Davis ,

                Love there faces and beads.

                • reply Martha Alwo ,

                  Love ‘em Roz!

                  • reply Rosalyn Hopkins ,

                    Dear Cynthia Tinapple
                    Thank you so much for this wonderful feature on my canes.
                    And thank you all in the claying community for your amazing love and support. It means more to me than I can express.??

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