McCaw’s studio peek

I’m pleased to see that many of you are as curious about studios as I am. (Thanks to yesterday’s Betsy Baker for sharing hers.) To continue the theme, here are a few pictures of Sandra McCaw’s small workspace. Sandra’s muse likes a comfy chair too. I like her combination of sage and turqouise wall colors.

Is your studio in the middle of things or hidden away? Are you tidy or is chaos comforting? Do you prefer an open space or a cozy corner? If you’ll send me pictures of your inner sanctum, I’ll share them here from time to time.

And in case you missed this a few months back, there’s a demo of Sandra’s signature cane (pictures taken a mere ten years ago). Oh, and don’t miss her web page.

  • reply Judy Dunn ,

    Sandra will be at the Providence Fine Furnishing and Fine Craft show this weekend, along with Elise Winters, Rachel Carren,….and me.

    • reply sharon chute ,

      Ohhhh — I am so inspired! Best part is I am currently working on my workspace and can now start getting “my vision on”. Woo Hoo — can’t wait for the weekend… Sharon Chute

      • reply DonnaStein ,

        I had the pleasure of working next to (practically over top of) Sandra at Shrinemont this year. Never has there been such a contrast in work space “styles”. Sandra is so precise and focused, me, not so much. She was so patient with me, what a delight. I like the picture on her wall. Hmmm, he looks familar.

        • reply Gerrie Maffris ,

          I recently completed a course with Sandra. It is great to see her work space and I think it’s organization is a reflection of the great precision with which she works (of course in class she would occasionally wing it). Her work is fabulous. She is a great teacher and has a wonderful dry sense of humor. Everyone should have a chance to meet her. Her stories about her life are great and told with a wonderfully dry sense of humor.

          • reply Molly Withers ,

            Great work Mom!!!!! that’s awesome!! and yes, your work space is very tidy….unlike mine at the moment. Love you!

            • reply Kristy ,

              I LOVE all of the peeks at others studios. It gives me great ideas. Please keep them coming!

              • reply Polymer Clay Notes » recycled kitchen makes a studio ,

                […] Cynthia Tinapple’s post about Sandra McCaw’s studio prompted me to look for pictures of the studio tables I built using materials salvaged from an old industrial kitchen. Using large pieces of whiteboard, reclaimed adjustable metro shelves and a few materials from the kitchen that might surprise you, I created a highly functional studio in a tiny, narrow space. […]

                • reply Polymer Clay Daily » McCaw launches new site ,

                  […] a look at last year’s post (and some archival photos) to see how far Sandra’s […]

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