Feels like time for polymer clay spring cleaning. Here’s a list of all the notices, fun links and loose ends that have been building up over the past couple of weeks:
- A Russian tutorial of running shoes from Ehidna that appeals to the kid in me
- Step by Step Beads (look at the free Christi Friesen download) is hungry for good polymer clay projects for the magazine. Check out the writer’s guidelines and contact editor-in-chief Leslie Rogalski.
- Ronna Weltman (new pictures on her site) is doing an article about cool tools. Send her a note about your favorites.
- Victoria Hughes is offering a special on her DVDs and she’s including handmade polymer samples with her books. More on this and other class news on her site. And have you heard her interview on craftcast?
- The painted polymer clay pendants pictured above look like spring. They’re from England’s Eva Soehjar (guessing at the last name). Thanks to Judy Dunn and Melanie West for the link. See how Melanie’s bangles have evolved.
Ponsawan Sila’s daughter was in a bad auto accident. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
Melanie West ,
Oh Cynthia, such awful news about Ponsawan’s daughter! 🙁 A mother’s nightmare, for sure.
On a cheerier note, your posts since you got back from Synergy have been amazing.( Sorry for not posting until now, btw – been a bit busy.) It looks like I wasn’t the only person who got a real kick start from Synergy. Wow, so many fantastic artists creating such beautiful things.
And I don’t know if I told you this… but your seminar was terrific. Very thought provoking, and got me thinking about my own web presence and the “why’s” and “how’s” of it. Many thanks, my dear!
While reading my copy of a book titled, “The Arts and Crafts Movement” (2003) by Sommer and Rago, eds. I found the following quote, attributed to artist John Ruskin: “One man’s thoughts can never be expressed by another: and the difference between the spirit of touch of the man who is inventing, and of the man who is obeying directions, is often all the difference between a great and a common work of art.”
From what I’ve read on Synergy attendee’s blogs, this quote seems to speak to the heart of the idea of “finding your own” voice and other conversations on imitating the work of another.
The quote spoke to me, thought it might be useful to those who read Polymer Clay daily, Polymer ArtArchive and more.
Have a great clay day everyone.
P.S. To those who are holding Ponsawan’s daughter in the light of wholeness and healing, see it as already accomplished. And it is so.
Appliqued stories | Polymer Clay Daily ,
[…] Cynthia Tinapple on April 20, 2012 · 0 comments When PCD first featured Eva Soehjar back in 2008, she mostly painted on polymer. Now she applies minuscule pieces of polymer to create illustrations […]
Isn’t the work in the picture by EvaThissen?
Good question! She’s listed both ways. Does anyone know?
Sandra ,
the Russian tutorial is fantastic. I like the pendant snicker I will make one when I will have time to do it.