I’m completely beyond my comfort zone as I cruise through a polymer clay German Flickr site and a MySpace page. I need help understanding both the German language and the MySpace culture. I’m convinced I’ll learn something if I persist and I liked Annerose Tulpe’s Doering’s music choice. (I’m not even sure that’s her name. Thanks, Bettina)

I’m loving Annerose’s homage to Austrian painter Hundertwasser and Rene Brault. Their colors and styles are perfectly compatible with ours and Annerose captures their spirit. Her extruded polymer clay string-covered beads are polished to a sheen and have a vibrant unpredictability.
Bettina Welker ,
Finally she’s got her feature – congrats to Anne. Her Name is Annerose Doering and she’s a member of our german guild/group.
Her georgeous Hundertwasser hommage embellishes our yahoo-group start page for a while now.
Kim Cavender ,
I love her Hundertwasser face! Reminds me a bit of Klimt, as well. Beautiful work!
Barbara Forbes-Lyons ,
What lovely work! Great find…
annetulpe ,
Hi Cynthia,
thank you so much for showing my work on your blog. I’m a daily visitor here and I’m surprised and feel unexpectedly acknowledged.
In consideration of the German language and the MySpace culture being difficult to understand, I shall give more information in English on my flickr site in the future 😉
Nowak/Oksoon, glamorous approach at Polymer Clay Daily ,
[…] by the column’s of artist/architect (and her fellow Austrian) Hundertwasser. (Here’s an earlier Hundertwasser […]