Jeff Dever belatedly checked his email when he saw that others had heard about their Niche Award status and found that two of his works have been selected. This one, Nestled Repose, is a finalist in the teapot category. It’s on display through November 8 at the Fuller Craft Museum.
The second, a basket called Tidal Ephemera, is in the running in either the mixed media or recycled category. Jeff felt that it was a good sign to see polymer artists, “….making inroads into categories that are not polymer clay exclusive.”
If you missed the Fuller Craft posts, check here. View Jeff’s video of his Edensong Reverie installation here.
Melanie West ,
Bravo Jeff!! Beautiful work (as always!!), and for those in the area who haven’t see the Fuller Craft Museum show, you’re missing something really special (btw, Jeff’s work looks even lovelier in person).
‘Jeff felt that it was a good sign to see polymer artists, “….making inroads into categories that are not polymer clay exclusive.” ‘
I agree 1,000 percent. It feels like polymer is really coming into it’s own. We shouldn’t need to feel that tiny twinge of apology when we say our medium is polymer *cough*clay*cough.
Jeannie ,
I would give anything to be able to see these in person at the museum. I’d be weak in the knees. These artists are unbelieveable talented. Congratulations to all the finalists. Again, I have no words for Jeff’s teapot.
My brain can’t process.
WOW!! This piece is outstanding…my favorite Jeff Dever piece to date. I think Jeff has more than an excellent chance of winning the Tea pot category.
Amazing work.
Liz Hall ,
I just love Jeff’s work and the tea pot is stunning. Congrats! to all the Niche
Liz Hall ,
oops hit the enter button to soon
…Congrats! to all the Niche finalists, love getting to see their wonderful entries here.
Genevieve ,
The finish on his pieces is just amazing!
Congratulations Jeffrey – but what else would we expect from an f’n deity!? : )
Sandra D. ,
Precious creative.