Where do the bits of crochet end and the polymer begin? Moscow’s Oxana Volkova mixes her talents so cleverly that I can’t tell where one stops and the other begins. She performs her sleight of hand with felt and fabric…and even shoes!

The possibilities are endless. Oxana’s imagination and enthusiasm are contagious and may put a spring in your step as you head to your studio.
sandra ,
These are reminiscent of Jean Hornberger’s beads. Well done!
claire maunsell ,
Oxana’s work makes you feel that you are allowed to do anything! Take on those rules! It’s very liberating to see (and her work makes me smile!)
Jeannie ,
Very Cool
oxana ,
Oh thank you all so much!!!!! I’m just happy!!!!!!!
Anita Brandon ,
Clever, lovely, unique, and so appealing!
Jackie ,
Really loved Oxana’s multi media beads and had fun looking through her flikr pages.
Outstanding!!! I love to see people mixing their other Artistic mediums with Polymer…your work Oxana really touches me…I crochet as well…and mix my polymer & crochet with my wearable art clothing…Also loved your non-polymer flickr pics…I’ve never seen a “White Peacock” what a Beauty…keep doing what you’re doing…
Wow, wow, wow Oxana. How great is that and so well deserved, I am so happy for you!!!! :o))))