Eva Ehmeier’s dimensional polymer Naucum brooches beg to be studied and touched to understand and appreciate them. Eva demonstrated her fondness for folding with her Artichoke series.
The folding continues with this new group whose edges have been accentuated by painting and sanding. Selecting a favorite new colorway from her workspace would be a difficult choice.
Thanks to Lindly Haunani (she specializes in folding polymer too) for the link.
Gadygem ,
Fantastic work!!! I love work’s Eva!!!
Eva Ehmeier ,
Ooh wow, thank you so much Cynthia and Lindly for featuring my Naucums!! Eva
Eva ,
oooohhhhh! i’ve missed this picture!!!
i wouldn’t have said it was paint! Thank you for this post Cynthia!
Sabine ,
Your work is fabulous and the new website classy. A look at your workspace is a treat.
wooooow!!! Eva does a wonderful work. She is adorable!!! 🙂
Pd: polymerclaydaily does a magnific work too through this page^^