Noelia Contreras from Barcelona has patched together these polymer brooches for a class at Polimeralia in Valencia, August 7-11.

She’s a whiz at zentangle, she canes, she silkscreens, she extrudes. Looks like there’s nothing she won’t try.
Luckily you have all weekend to browse through Noelia’s crisp, bright works on Flickr and Facebook.
Mary Anne Loveless ,
These hot colors are perfect, and I love these great shapes! Your precision is a beautiful thing.
Beth West ,
What a fun coincidence, I just found her on flickr yesterday and immediately needed to follow! Beautiful work!
Marta ,
Una preciosidad y los colores magnificos¡¡¡
Congratulations, Noelia! Beautiful colours and finishing, as usual!
Thank you Cynthia, has made me really excited to see my work at Polymer Clay Daily :))
Thank you very much also to all such beautiful comments I’m very happy!
Andrea Victoria Paradiso ,
Voy con Marta! And agree with everyone here. Precision and color equals gorgeous, Noelia! Muchas felicidades por aparecer en PCD!
Beautiful, as usual Noelia….sure wish I could see you in Valencia.