Chandler on PCDaily

Encouraged by the progress that Donna Greenberg enjoyed with her series of polymer bowls, Gera Chandler decided to have another go at what she calls her segmented bowls.

Gera says of her first efforts, “A few days ago I saw the amazing holey bowls that Donna Greenberg is making. It was an epiphany moment. I got the inks out again and made this petite prototype (right).”

Chandler on PCDaily

That led to Gera’s Segmented Vessels (left). ” It is always good to switch things up every now and then,” she says.

  • reply Donna Greenberg ,

    It’s wonderful to see the free flow of ideas between artists here. Cara’s forms and graphic textures are beautifully imagined. We are tweaking ceramics on the nose here!

    • reply Ginger Davis Allman ,

      Oh I do love Gera’s work. She has such a unique voice with the bright, yet still muted colors and the flowing shapes. This is a fun new direction for her work. I look forward to seeing where she takes it next. It’s also great to see us learning from and being inspired by each other. What a fertile community of sharing we have here!

      • reply Linda H. Rael ,

        What beautiful vessels! Love the “earthy” quality- beautiful color.

        • reply Lorrene Baum-Davis ,

          Stunning work between these two. I am SO not worthy… But having fun and drooling over all of this eye candy I’ve seen here over the years. And, yes, Thanks again.

          • reply Gera Scott Chandler ,

            Thanks for featuring my work Cynthia! Thanks also to Donna for the holey inspiration!!

            • reply pamsii ,

              I was wondering if I can use a metal bowl as a mold?

              • reply Cynthia Tinapple ,

                Sure! Or glass.

                • reply pamsii ,

                  It can go into the oven at the same temperature?

              • reply pamsii ,

                I have seen yarn bowls that hold two balls at once. Do you have any suggestions of how to do that? Love your work.

                Thank you

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