Laurie Mika provides us with a heraldic banner to start our festive Thanksgiving week. Historically, people displayed their coat of arms and other designs to identify and celebrate the family. This banner is a promo for her classes at the Tucson Art Retreat In the Desert (scroll down to her February 5 class).
Usually Laurie uses her techniques on polymer for shrines or jewelry. In this class she’ll show how the same stamp, paint, collage, embed, layer, transfer methods combine into a mixed-media mosaic that can be used to make banners and other artworks. The banner becomes the vehicle for a modern family narrative.
Laurie is just back from her Day of the Dead workshop in Mexico that you can read about on her blog. You’ll find more of her story on Pinterest and Facebook.
Mary Anne Loveless ,
So beautiful! What a fun new vehicle for polymer expressions!
Randee M Ketzel ,
My first though was prayer flags! Nicely done.
Lorrene Baum-Davis ,
Stunning, her work is always innovative and mesmerizing.
Thanks for this post. Yum.
And she just became a grandma!
Fairchild Linda on Facebook ,
Love it!
Sculpture by Merilyn on Facebook ,
Love this.
Laurie Mika ,
Thanks so much for the shout out Cynthia! And many thanks to all for the nice comments, very much appreciated….
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thelma Davidson on Facebook ,
Extremely clever and very pretty.
Kristin Peterson Hughes on Facebook ,
Love this.