Bauhaus polymer

The UK’s Angela Garrod starts our week with these tidy bauhaus-like designs. The hollow lentil beads are covered with geometric designs that combine gold and pearl mica polymer with black contrasts.

She admits that the designs presented complex and challenging problems. Angela was named Voila’s Polymerista of the Year in the Proficient Category for 2011. She has started teaching her techniques and is scheduled at the UK’s Polymer Pamper Play weekend in April 2013.

Swirls of activity

After 16 years selling at juried fine art fairs, Wisconsin’s Laura Timmins decided 2011 was the year to take her polymer designs to the wholesale market with the new name, SwirlStone. “No more retail online or at shows! I’m loving my new business, but it’s a big learning curve,” she reports.

Laura is able to achieve a consistency and a depth of detail in her lentil swirl beads that is unmatched. This Flickr picture of her ocean of lentil beads is proof.

Laura’s introduced several stunning new designs based on her distinctive pattern. You can see them on her SwirlStone Facebook page.

Artist Online

If taking your business to the next level is on your list of goals, be sure to check out the 12-week Artist Online class that Susan Lomuto (Daily Art Muse) is offering. She knows her stuff and can help you find that bigger audience you need.