Bettina Welker’s clever extruded cane that was featured last week has gone viral already. Some of the most imaginative versions of Bettina’s tutorial showed up on the blog of tmariefrance (Marie France Tournat).
Marie used Bettina’s multi-colored extruded cane as a launch point for other experiments that you can browse through on her site and shop.
If you’ve never extruded before, this cane can give you instant success. Let me know if you come up with your own interesting versions. I’m going to have to try this too. You can use the off-cuts and leftovers for that other viral tutorial, the Stroppel cane.
I think the spiraling of the extruded cane is brilliant. Very cool.
Alice Stroppel ,
They’re just fabulous, it’s so much fun to watch what happens with shared ideas. Thank for pointing us to tmarie’s work. And thanks for the link……:)
Sandrecreation ,
Félicitations Marie-France, c’est génial. Les pendentifs sont superbes.
Delphine ,
Un grand bravo à toi Marie-France!! Tes explorations polymériques sont toujours une réussite!!!
Monique U ,
This talented artist does indeed sign her blog entries “Marie-France”. It’s wonderful to see her work here, Cynthia!
Barbara Poland-Waters ,
Those are gorgeous. I love the contrast of the black and white with the rainbow colors.
polymeramoi ,
c’est un immense honneur pour moi de voir mes pendentifs spirales ici. Je suis émue. un grand merci à vous
Her name is Marie France Tournat and her blog is
Look up on her blog to see what wonderful things she does,
Bravo Marie France !
C’est une superbe interprétation de la cane de Bettina Welker.
maerys ,
quel joli hommage à Marie-France, je suis absolument fan de ses créations
Renata ,
Lovely work! I must say that Bettina’s tutorial was love on the first sight 🙂
Ivy ,
Bravo Marie-France, tu nous a éblouies comme toujours 😉
josie ,
Je te l’ai déjà dit que c’est superbe….mais, ça ne me gène pas de me répéter ici. Te voila une vedette INTERNATIONALE !!!!!BRAVO Marie-France.
Sandra ,
I like Maries’ work I n a future I will like to buy some of her tutorial classes.
Selma ,
I love it!