Laurie Mika embeds whatever she likes into her lusciously colored polymer mosaics. If you look closely your eyes will dance over bits of glass, jewelry, beads and ephemera that come together to tell her story. Of course many of the tiles are stamped, textured and painted polymer as well.
This is a sample for her March class in Detroit. Below are some of the virgins, saints, angels, gypsies and mermaids that were created by students in a recent class. And here are pictures from an earlier Treasures from the Heart class at the Institute of Mosaic Art.
She alludes to a class in Detroit in March but I don’t see it listed in her upcoming workshops.
Here she is on Facebook with more to inspire you on Pinterest and Etsy. Total yum!

Laurie Mika ,
thanks so much for the shout out Cynthia! I am off to go add the info for the workshop in Detroit right now!!! It is being hosted by Joan Schwartz who is a Michigan mosaic artist…..I had been waiting to add the class until I knew it was a GO……but I had better go get some info posted right now!
Thanks again!
Sharon Plummer ,
Laurie is a wonderful bridge amongst the several related ‘art disciplines’ of polymer clay, mosaics, assemblage, collage, beading, mixed-media, and more! As a longtime fan of Laurie and her artwork I must acknowledge that it was Laurie’s prior workshop for the Houston Polymer Clay Guild (HPCG) which enticed me to enter the polymer world and incorporate it into my beloved mosaic arts world.
For anyone living in or around HOUSTON, TX don’t miss out on two upcoming opportunities to attend a Laurie Mika workshop this spring. April 26-27 with (HPCG) and April 30 – May 4 during the annual conference of Society of American Mosaic Artists (SAMA).
Joan Schwartz ,
We had a full class (16 in all) for Laurie’s first Michigan workshop. Everyone was thrilled beyond belief at what a wonderful person and fabulous instructor she is. We are working on her for a repeat visit in 2015, hopefully not in the middle of the coldest, snowiest time of our “winter wonderland”. Maybe we can fill 2 workshops!!!