Retro extrusions

Today we announce the launch the anticipated Volume II – RETRO that so many of you have been waiting for! We are over the moon about this collection of Cynthia Tinapple’s newest extruder disk set which contains 8 fun and fashionable patterns. Cynthia doesn’t like to brag about herself so KazuriWest has taken over the controls today.
Check out the photo above of some of the amazing designs you can make and watch this quick video (below) of the disks in action. We here at are excited to launch Volume II – RETRO.
Cynthia is an international award-winning designer, educator, author of the book Polymer Clay Global Perspectives and producer of this renowned and insightful blog. As many of you know, she is quite a talented and amazing artist and loads of fun to work with.
Cynthia originally produced Volume I of her polymer clay extruder disks to meet the need for more clay pattern options and it flew off the shelves with customers all over the world clamoring for more. We cannot believe how popular extruders are becoming. Her designer’s eye has found fashionable icons and translated them into extrudable patterns that you can easily integrate into your work. Order yours here.