Vermont’s Mags Bonham has some techno tricks up her sleeve that she’ll be teaching on Friday evening at the Cabin Fever confab in Maryland. The polymer layers for this 4″ green bowl were drawn on her computer and cut with her Silhouette machine.
Here she builds up contrasting layers to boost the thin clay’s strength. The bowl has a Celtic look perfect for St. Patricks Day.

Mags started running polymer through her cutter in order to make the hops charms that she creates for her beer gear. She sells beer-themed items on Etsy and on the artisan beer circuit.
Mags expanded her repertoire to flowers and has taught a Silhouette/polymer how-to lesson on Craftcast. Now she’s adding bowls. What next? Read more on her Facebook page, on Flickr and on Pinterest.
Mags Bonham ,
WOW Cynthia…..thanks so much for the shout out! I woke up this morning to all types of notifications on my new smart phone! Now I know why. I’m enjoying being able to share this new toll with the polymer community.
Randee M Ketzel ,
I saw these yesterday and was so knocked out—also, sitting on my hands not to rush out and buy some new toys!!!
That is spectacular!