
Regatta is what Julie Picarello has named this luscious piece that’s among the designs she’s working on for submission to NPCG’s Progress and Possibilities show. The colors really sing and she manages to incorporate her signature watch parts into the necklace.

She’s fleshed out her web site and added a page of works in progress. You’ll want to take a second look.

You have a couple more days to get your entry into the NPCG show. Go online for the paperwork and have another look at the new NPCG site. There’s a terrific article on Robert Dancik by Marcia Laska with an accompanying hollow bead trick.

Spring Training

Yes, these are polymer clay canes so detailed that it seems impossible. Since 1991, Wes Warren from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, has been perfecting his caning technique and making his living from his well-developed skills.

Many of his beads are built on sports or team imagery. His word canes are incredibly precise.

You can see a sampling of his beads on his Flickr page and read his fascinating life story on his ebay site.

I picked up this Canadian inspiration by way of Israel from Iris Mishly’s blog, Polymeri Online. You’ll want to check out her finds often so I’ve added a link to her in the sidebar.


The Manabu Ito site (Clay Work Technique) is rich not only with polymer clay illustrations and sculptures but with links to lots of other Japanese artists who work in a similar vein.

The pieces are amazingly detailed and stylized. There’s even a video showing the artist at work and a peek at his workspace. I wish I knew some Japanese so that I could understand more about his extensive sneaker collection.

If the language is garbled (I’m not even sure about his name), it’s because I picked up this Japanese link via the Kiwi site in Belgium. There’s plenty here to keep you entertained all weekend.

NPCG Website

Hats off to NPCG webmaster and the board who have revamped the National Polymer Clay Guild web site. Webmaster Barbara Forbes-Lyons installed a more powerful engine behind this popular site to allow more member participation and quicker updates.

This is phase one of a multi-phase project says Barbara. Galleries, albums, community groups, subscriptions, and other features will be added down the road.

Barbara has wisely taken a vacation after getting the site launched. (She's also the person behind the pixels on

If your name is spelled wrong or you find some other error, send it to her and she'll get to you as soon as she can. Barbara's contributed hundreds of volunteer hours. All she should hear for the next while is cheering and clapping.

If you aren't a NPCG member, there's a handy online form. It renewed my membership so I know it works. Please join.

The polymer clay chili peppers are from Judy Dunn. Her recent successes are an uplifting read for a Thursday.

More Spring

More bright colors! This time from Portugal and from two friends, Xana and Té, working together on their "Dream with Art" site (if my translation’s correct).

Though they produce mostly pens, incense burners and other simple items, their color sense is clear and their onlay technique is carefully executed. You can feel the bright Portugese sun.



Thinking Spring

What I’m really hungry for right now is a touch of spring and I was thrilled when Camille Campos’ name came up again (thanks to Chel Micheline).

Camille (I’ve got her listed as Camille Young) works in a bright clear palette in a most interesting, flat, graphic way in air-dry polymer clay. I’m sure some of the works on her sculpture page are new.

Don’t let the flowers fool you, she also has some dynamite masks, mythical creatures and robots in her repertoire.

You won’t want to miss the last few pictures in her photo album page which show how she assembles some of her jewelry. Think spring!


I intended to do some serious web research this weekend. Instead I found this one wonderful polymer clay experiment by a young graphic designer, Patricia Zapata of Texas, which led me on a very wild goose chase.

Patricia usually uses her handcut linoleum blocks to print on linen or paper. On a whim, she printed on polymer with these results. I’m sure hoping she continues.

I followed Patricia’s trail to which is, like, totally addictive. And somehow from there I ended up spending hours turning all my friends and family (and myself) into South Park characters…also addictive. There goes the weekend. Happy Monday.

St. Patrick’s Day

Christelle van Lingen, born and raised in South Africa and now living in Ohio, has named her newly developed polymer clay technique "ruffle beads" and is working to refine this popular design.

She’s added a few new examples on her site and even combined it with PMC petals and findings.

Christelle found her inspiration in Yuka Salto’s work featured on Polymer Clay Notes. What a lucky find and a terrific adaptation.

A bit of the green for St. Patrick’s Day. Have a lucky weekend.