Tiny polymer treasures

Portland’s Sofie and Nicolas (bewilderandpine) operate three Etsy shops offering small polymer HO scale views of the world including this French country windmill from “The Hermitage” series. The miniatures can be used for model railroad layouts and other collectors.
“The designs of all of our Hermitage series buildings are also meant to be a charmingly simple reminder of the necessity for simplicity, solitude and for peace within our daily lives,” says the artist. Additional small treasures include houses from Venice, Provence, Santa Fe and beyond.

Their other shops focus on finger puppets and ancient Egyptian amulets.The link to these small, nostalgic pieces comes from Genevieve Williamson.
In the same vein, C. Rohal offers an array of miniature polymer teapots and flowers. This one measures 3/4″ and is hollow with a removable lid. These tiny treasures are loaded with details.