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Your chance to send some valentine joy is waiting at the top of the right column. Your donation, no matter how big or small, will help the women of the Samunnat women’s project in eastern Nepal build a home.
Ron Lehocky will double the love by matching your gifts up to $2000.
PCDaily will bring you regular reports about the project. I’ll tell you about all the wonderful ways polymer artists have already helped their sisters thrive. Go on and CLICK to add your love.
The backstory
Ron Lehocky is no stranger to fundraising projects. He has made and sold over 20,000 polymer hearts to support the Kids Center in Louisville, Kentucky. The ones pictured here are part of his 2013 Valentines Day collection.

Australia’s Wendy Moore contacted Ron to purchase some hearts to take to Nepal. She thought the women in the Samunnat project would be inspired by the work of an American doctor who developed a small polymer project that became remarkably successful at helping children.
As they corresponded, Ron and Wendy shared stories. Wendy told him about the abuse and discrimination that the Samunnat women had endured and how the polymer skills that they learned had transformed their lives and made them agents of change.

She described how the group had moved its offices four times in the last six years because of arbitrary and frequent rent increases. Their first facility, shown here, was little more than an open storefront on a busy highway.
A gift of a small parcel of land and growing success in marketing their beads abroad allowed Samunnat to consider building a facility. For under $10,000 they could construct their own building that would give them the room they need to continue and grow.
To Ron, the building sounded like a small step with a big payoff. He thought it over. To kickstart a construction fund, Ron offered to match donations up to $2000. Isn’t that fantastic?
More to this story on Monday. Why wait? CLICK now.